Earth4.0 Evolution ©

The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) started a few years ago and is here to stay for the next 40 to 50 years.  As the World Economic Forum has acknowledged the importance of this 4th Industrial Revolution, it is important for a company to understand, adapt, and to provide the best quality products and services to their clients and consumers. However the Earth systems are under unprecedented stress due to the model of human and economic development, developed during past industrial revolutions, has largely come at the expense of the planet.

The 4IR should be a sustainable revolution and is the only golden opportunity for this generation. The technological innovations and breakthroughs could bring unintended consequences in accelerating risks to the Planet if their function is not properly designed and scaled in a clever and sustainable way. Our compass should be set for a ‘responsible’ revolution, and this be key to tackling our planet’s urgent environmental, social, and economic challenges.

EXINN Technology Center is the founding member of the Earth4.0 Evolution, the alliance for Earth under the 4th Industrial Revolution. E4.0E is an organisation where the member companies pledge to explore the immense opportunities that the 4th Industrial Revolution can bring to the world.  We operate and conduct our business practices under the following agenda and principles:

  • We should innovate and use AI for the benefits of the Earth
  • Technology innovation and AI Evolution should empower the wellbeing of the Earth
  • Innovations and AI should be responsible and sustainable
  • All people, regardless of their economic means should have access to technological benefits brought by Innovations and AI.
  • AI should be the engine of 4th Industrial Revolution that must empower people and transform the world’s regions.  


             ENDRI BAHJA       


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