Terms and Conditions

EXINN Technology Center (hereinafter referred to as “EXINN”) is entitled to exercise any property right and related rights on this Website. EXINN’s Website provides information and data on research, consulting, development and financial services offered and executed by EXINN in its daily business activity; achievements; projected strategy; financial performance, etc.

EXINN hereby authorizes you (hereinafter “the users”) to use EXINN’s Website based on your consent and commitment to comply with the following conditions:

Although EXINN’s objective is to provide the users with correct, up-to-date information and data on its Website, and it considers the data and information published in its Website as reliable, EXINN does not assume any liability toward you (users) regarding the accuracy, completeness and up-to-date ness of the information and data presented.

The information and data released on EXINN’s Website is of informative and not binding nature. Unless otherwise clearly provided, the information and data published in the EXINN’s Website shall not be considered as a legal act designated to establish a legal relation between EXINN and the users. Consequently, the data and information published in the Website shall not be considered as an offer, recommendation, or invitation to offer.

EXINN shall not be held liable for any injuries (financial loss, damages for losses or lost income etc) incurred by the use in whatever form and for whatever purpose, of EXINN’s Website.

EXINN reserves the right to determine, issue and amend conditions regulating use of EXINN’s Website. Any intervention in the technical substance or content, without prior written approval of EXINN, is strictly forbidden and punishable by the law.

All materials published or presented in the Website, including logos, images, press releases, documents etc, are the property of EXINN. Consequently, such materials cannot not be copied, reproduced, downloaded, modified, transferred, and used in other websites or by other people without the prior written approval of EXINN Technology Center. These aforementioned actions are strictly forbidden, unlawful and will lead to criminal charges according to the laws of the country.